Summer’s almost here and your students probably already have one foot in the swimming pool! Before your last class lets out, make sure you wrap up your digital teaching efficiently. Winding down your tech classroom doesn’t need to be stressful.
1. End of Year Assessments
Keyboarding assessments focus on evaluating pre-keyboarding and keyboarding skills at incremental stages throughout the curriculum.Make sure to enable the Assessments from your +Live Insights dashboard by going to the Classes & Students tab > Class Settings Gear > Assessments and enable them for a specific date for end of year reporting.
2. Download and save your reporting
It’s easy to download and save your reporting, so you can measure success over the school year and share with others! Just click on the Reports tab on the left hand navigation. Select a report, class, and/or student(s) from the drop down menu. After the report data pops up, click Export. Choose Download PDF document to save and distribute the document.
3. Print and hand out digital citizenship certificates and certificates of completion
Certificates allow your student to feel accomplished and walk away with recognition for their hard work at the end of the year. To print a digital citizenship certificate, click the Print Certificates icon in the Educator Resources view. Complete the Digital Citizenship lessons found in your +Live Insights dashboard > Educator Resources > Lesson Previews in the far left column. Once students have finished those activities, print out the students' Certificate of Digital Citizenship Completion. If your students complete their grade level license you can also award them the Certificate of Completion! Both Certificates can be found in your Educator Resources under Print Certificates.
4. Send parents the link to the Can Use at Home video
Let your students build keyboarding skills during summer break! Keyboarding Without Tears has a Can Use at Home feature that easily allows students access to all their favorite cross-curricular, game-based activities from their own home. With the Can Use at Home feature, you can select to allow your students to access their keyboarding license at home. Make a strong school-to- home connection by emailing parents their child's login information to encourage at-home practice.
Try these tips to end the school year on a strong note:
Six out of 10 educators say keyboarding skill gaps negatively impact student performance on online assessments. You don’t have to let that happen to your students! Sail into summer with this mnemonic: All Ships Do Float for letters A, S, D, and F on the Home Row of the keyboard. This mnemonic will make it easy for children to remember where to put their left hand fingers.
Provide additional keyboarding activities by asking students to type a sentence or paragraph about what they’re looking forward to this summer. This will show how they’ve learned to type automatically. Allowing students time to write about their future swimming, biking, camping experiences will give them practice with independent typing.
Calling all teachers! As a token of our appreciation, we invite you to receive $25 off our Keyboarding Without Tears Virtual Workshop with code BLOGMAY18. Sign up today this offer expires 5/31/18.
New dates and times available!
Join us to learn all about Keyboarding Without Tears®! This 2.5 hour virtual workshop will teach you how to easily weave keyboarding into your K–5 day. You'll leave with a library of award-winning teaching strategies to help your students succeed with today's computer-based assignments and testing.