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Mat Man’s New Adventure
in Literacy
This beloved hero helped millions of students master the mechanics of writing. Now he’s ready to help students master early literacy in this new, letter-packed quest for success!
Helping students become proficient readers and writers takes time and effort. To do it well, you need effective teaching and appropriate materials. A–Z for Mat Man and Me builds alphabet knowledge by integrating phonics with connected text.

Watch and Learn more about A-Z for Mat Man and Me
A–Z for Mat Man and Me builds:
- Alphabet Knowledge
- Phonological and Phonemic Awareness
- Oral Language Skills
- Word Recognition
- Social-Emotional Learning Skills
The print experience is extended beyond the classroom with teacher and student apps. Students reinforce crucial literacy skills through read-alouds and activities that keep the learning spark alive. Teachers facilitate extended learning through on-demand curriculum resources, embedded professional development, and more.

See For Yourself Click a cover below to see a sample or download one
Student Letter Book Letter C
Digital Experience
A–Z for Mat Man and Me is eligible for educational grants and funding. The program meets ESSA’s Demonstrates a Rationale evidence criteria, with materials aligned to ESSER funding’s allowable activities.

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The intertwined connections to real world, real life and all the learning modalities facilitate learner success.
Vanessa Brown, B.A., M.Ed., Retired Assistant Principal and ELA Coordinator
With the implementation of the teacher’s guide, activity books and manipulatives, Pre-K teachers have the tools they need to successfully prepare young children for kindergarten.
Schronda McKnight-Burns M. Ed., Assistant Director of Early Childhood Education
The active teaching really brings the workbook to life by adding in different interactive learning strategies and activities on each page.
Lanor Payne, Ph.D, Director of Early Childhood
Our students have used Keyboarding Without Tears for years. This program goes beyond nurturing students’ typing skills. It gives them the confidence with technology they need to truly succeed today.
Mary Toomey, Assistant Superintendent