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How one Mom found "Tears of Joy" with Handwriting Without Tears

July 1, 2020

by: Learning Without Tears

4 mins


Amanda's story came to us through an occupational therapy (OT) group on Facebook and, with her permission, we had to share her beautiful story of overcoming challenges. Amanda, we are proud to be one small part of your journey and thank you for sharing your story with us.

I will never forget the day our son’s future changed before our very eyes.


The day began with a seemingly routine doctor visit, and it ended with shattering news. That day our then four-year-old son was diagnosed with a Congenital Heart Defect that would require immediate placement of a pacemaker. This was the beginning of a new trajectory for us and our son. Life changed in a moment. 

Our first immediate concern was his health.


​​​​​After he had healed from surgery and we had grown comfortable with our new normal, my thoughts shifted to his education. I would often leave a physical therapy appointment, an occupational therapy appointment, a doctor appointment, or a speech appointment overwhelmed and in tears at my lack of knowledge in how to help him. The mountain in front of us often seemed so steep. I began pouring myself into studying the areas that he needed help with. I wanted to help him, but I had to acquire the knowledge and resources to do so. 

During a weekly appointment, our occupational therapist pulled out the Handwriting Without Tears program and she began using this program with Hudson during that session. She spoke so highly about the program that it peaked my curiosity. I returned home and began to research and learn about the Handwriting Without Tears curriculum. Within a few days, I had ordered the materials and began using them with Hudson in our homeschool. 


I immediately fell in love with the program.

It was easy to implement, and it was easy for Hudson to use. Neither of us were overwhelmed with the program. We worked diligently and consistently the entire preschool year, and his progress was incredible. He gained confidence, I was encouraged, and we both knew that at least one of the barriers in his path was being removed little by little. We could see his progress, and it was worthy to be celebrated. 



Hudson's progress using Handwriting Without Tears

Hudson will continue to use Handwriting Without Tears in the years to come, and I will also use this program with our younger son. I have seen the effectiveness of this program, and it works.


I truly wish that every parent would have someone tell them about Handwriting Without Tears.


I feel it is my responsibility to share this curriculum with other moms and teachers because I know how grateful I am to have found it. This truly is a handwriting program without tears, unless you count tears of joy.  There have been lots of tears of joy. 


Amanda Simpkins

Homeschool mom to six children

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