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Multisensory Learning, Home Connection
3 Ways to Celebrate Eat Outside Day + a Free Download
By Monet Stevens
2 minutes
Multisensory Learning, Announcements
It’s time to bundle up! Well, it’s not time to bundle up because of frightful weather just yet, but it is time to head back to school and bundle handwriting student editions and keyboarding licenses. Start your school year strong with our bundles to maximize success while saving money!
By LWT staff
2 minutes
Teaching Tips, Multisensory Learning
Happy Left-Handers Day
By Happy Left-Handers Day
2 minutes
Teaching Tips, Multisensory Learning
For all those who find themselves lost in a land created in the mind of an author or assuming the role of architect in the construction of young imaginations, cementing fresh new words and sentences into the mind, today is for you.
By LWT staff
2 minutes
Home Connection, In the News
Today, August 4, Learning Without Tears is celebrating our service members in the US Coast Guard.
By LWT staff
3 minutes
Teaching Tips, Announcements
Taking your teaching to the next level has never been easier—and now you can do so with just a click with our new Virtual Professional Development Hub!
By LWT staff
1 minute
Teaching Tips, Announcements
Be Prepared (Just a Little Lion King Reference) to Bring Handwriting to Your Classroom
By LWT staff
1 minute
Teaching Tips, Ask the Experts
Many states have adopted cursive back into their state standards.
By LWT staff
1 mins
In the News, Summer, Home Connection
Summer is a great time for families to expand their young learner’s mind with hands-on, educational experiences.
By LWT staff
3 mins