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In the News, Announcements
Happy Thanksgiving! Today is all about taking a break to spend time with friends and family, and to express gratitude for all the good things in life.
By LWT staff
1 minute
Teaching Tips
Happy Universal Children’s Day! Each year on November 20, we celebrate Universal Children’s Day, joining people from around the country and world to promote togetherness and awareness among children worldwide.
By LWT staff
3 minutes
In the News
Learning Without Tears is reporting live from NAEYC!
By LWT staff
1 minute
In the News, Teaching Tips, Multisensory Learning
What was your favorite book growing up? Do you remember how excited you felt when you knew it was time to read it yet again, staring at the images for hours all while your imagination soared and your young vocabulary grew? Today is Young Reader’s Day, a time dedicated to passing the same love of literacy down to your students.
By LWT staff
3 minutes
Home Connection, In the News
Today, we are thankful for veterans. For over 200 years, members of the US Armed Forces have dedicated their lives to protecting the United States and ensuring that the rights and liberties of its people are upheld.
By LWT staff
3 minutes
In the News, Announcements
Many schools across the country today are closed as people head to the polls to cast their votes in the midterm elections—the second-most exciting election year (next to the presidential elections)!
By LWT staff
1 minute
Teaching Tips, In the News
You’ve heard that handwriting is an important skill for children to be taught. But why? What are the benefits of taking time out of an already-busy schedule for handwriting instruction?
By LWT staff
2 minutes
In the News
Handwriting is a timeless skill that spans a lifetime.
By LWT staff
3 minutes
Home Connection, Teaching Tips
Parent teacher conferences are challenging not only for educators, but parents as well. Educators often find themselves in the complicated role of explaining the academic dynamics and structure of the classroom as well as individual student expectations and performance. For many parents on the receiving end of this information, hearing about their child’s school work causes an uneasiness that makes the conference a stressful experience.
By Tara DeSantiago
2 min