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Science of Reading + Writing: See how Handwriting Without Tears ©2025 brings them together. Learn More

Welcome to Building Blocks for Pre-K–5

Enjoy weekly content rich with expert insights, teaching tips, and effective strategies curated to inform and empower educators



Announcements, Ask the Experts
You need better writers in your classroom, better test scores for your district, less remediation, and improved literacy skills. Simple, right?
By LWT staff
3 minutes
Teaching Tips, In the News
This one is for the principals out there!
By LWT staff
4 minutes
Ask the Experts, Teaching Tips
It’s that time of year again! As you get swept away into the excitement (and madness) of the back to school season, we’re here to help make life easier for you with a few simple tips for maximizing your first-month-of-school productivity and efficiency. Use this list as a checklist for ensuring a successful school year. And remember, you’ve got this!
By Megan Parker
2 minutes
Teaching Tips
Do you remember the first time you were taught to write? Think of your teacher’s instructions when you learned to create a paragraph by writing a topic sentence, three supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence. Now, after you wrote your first paragraph or even essay, were you completely fluent in writing or did you still struggle to exemplify unified thoughts across different types of writing?
By Monet Stevens
3 minutes
Teaching Tips, Multisensory Learning
Multisensory learning is essential for teaching Pre-K concepts such as letters, numbers, body awareness, building, and social-emotional skills. But, how do you capture the attention of your young learners while teaching them these important foundation skills? We have a solution for you: Mat Man® to the rescue!
By Megan Parker
2 min
Home Connection, In the News
Each year on September 17, we commemorate the signing of the US Constitution by 39 delegates on September 17, 1787. As we celebrate Constitution and Citizenship Day this year, we look back on its origins and its purpose.
By LWT staff
1 minute
Ask the Experts, Teaching Tips
In just a few weeks, if not already, your classroom will be full of students eager to start a new school year. You will finally be able to put the lesson plans that you have been working so hard to finalize to use. Whether your lesson plans are completely solidified or still in need of a few embellishments, we have got you covered.
By Monet Stevens
2 minutes
Multisensory Learning, Home Connection
Handwriting does not have to drain your teaching time. It takes only 15 minutes of practice a day for students to develop strong handwriting skills. Teachers can add flexibility to their handwriting instruction by choosing a mix of methods, tools, and materials that work best for their students.
By LWT staff
4 minutes
Edtech, Home Connection, Ask the Experts
If you’re an elementary school teacher, you instruct children who have had technology at their fingertips since they born
By LWT staff
1 minute