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Science of Reading + Writing: See how Handwriting Without Tears ©2025 brings them together. Learn More


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    gss research tile

    Get Set for School : A Proven Success

    View a recent study that followed Pre-K classrooms across different schools. Get Set for School was found to be highly successful in preparing children for their kindergarten year.

    GSS research

    Get Set For School Research Review

    Find out how young children who develop strong foundation skills in Pre-K programs like Get Set for School are better prepared to master the more complex and rigorous demands of school.

    hwt program guide tile

    Handwriting Without Tears Program Guide

    Explore the K–5 Handwriting Without Tears program that builds confident communicators by getting to the heart of every letter through developmentally appropriate, multisensory strategies,

    a plus worksheet tile

    Handwriting Worksheet Generator

    A free and easy-to-use classroom resource for creating effective worksheets to integrate the unique Handwriting Without Tears font and double lines into other classroom activities.