Science of Reading + Writing: See how Handwriting Without Tears ©2025 brings them together.  Learn More


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Welcome to our information destination for administrators, educators, OTs, and parents! Use the filters below to take a look around and discover our demos, research, how-to videos, and all of our free online resources.


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    learning and development

    Learning & Developmental Standards

    Quality Pre-K instruction is based on the standards outlined by exemplary institutions such as NAEYC and Head Start—and Get Set for School aligns to their standards.

    letter and number formations tile

    Letter & Number Formation Charts

    ​Our letter and number formation charts are child-friendly letter formations that make it fun and memorable for children to learn their letters and numbers.

    mat man world tile

    Mat Man World

    Our friendly hero teaches through music, building, playing, and story. Explore the world of Mat Man today!

    Moving Forward Not Backwards

    Moving Forward Not Backwards

    Are your students struggling with reversals? Help them turn their letters and numbers around – line by line, curve by curve!

    music samples tile

    Music Samples

    The Learning Without Tears music samples include the spirited songs for enhanced learning from our various albums.