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Teaching Tips

Giving Tuesday Ideas for Teachers

December 3, 2019

by: LWT staff

2 mins


Do you find yourself wishing you could give back more to those in need despite your routine service activities? Well, today was created just for you! It’s Giving Tuesday, a day dedicated solely to finally crossing that community service activity you’ve been wanting to do off your list.

One of the best parts about this special day is that you don’t have to spend it alone. You can involve your students and become part of the worldwide movement that grows larger and larger every year. Here are five simple activities you can do right from the classroom.

1. Create Art for a Nursing Home

Art is always personally rewarding, but when shared, it can bring a smile to the face of someone else. Carve some time out in one of your school days to allow students to either paint or draw pictures that can be delivered to a local nursing home. You can give guidelines that correspond to your lessons or give students full creative liberty. Art can be hung in hallways, resident rooms, or in common areas. You can even include a photo of you and your students to further show your appreciation.

2. Donate Stuffed Animals to a Local Children’s Hospital

Everyone loves toys! Have your students coordinate with their families to bring in stuffed animals that can be donated to a local children’s hospital. You can assist by making a list of suggestions with stores in the area or online sites where stuffed animals can be easily ordered. You can even have your students write notes of encouragement to include with their gifts.

3. Make PB&J for a Local Homeless Shelter

You don’t have to be a master chef to make a good meal for someone in need. Sometimes all you need are two simple, but enjoyable, ingredients: peanut butter and jelly. Students can easily work together to create PB&J sandwiches for a local homeless shelter. You can have your students form an assembly line, assign roles based on ingredient, or organize the event in the way you deem best for your students.

4. Hold a Food, Blanket, or Clothing Drive

Resources like these always stay in demand at almost every shelter and are easy to find at most stores. Holding a drive is a simple way to make a huge impact in the lives of those in need. The drive can be personalized to your liking and go on for however long you decide. One way to get students excited is to decorate the box or container you plan to collect materials inside of.

When it comes to giving, there aren’t many rules. You can pursue a project that meets a common need or design your own special project to meet a need that has yet to receive attention.

The only requirement is kindness.

Happy giving!

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