Letter Formation Charts
Use them for reference or as handouts. Families are delighted to learn about the curriculum and are excited to receive the letter formation charts so they know how they should help their students form letters at home.

Parent Welcome Letters (Pre-K - 5)
Download our Handwriting Welcome Letters (Grades Pre-K - 5) in English to introduce families to Get Set for School and Handwriting Without Tears.

Print Letter Group Posters
Black and white posters promote correct print letter formations. Letter posters are 11" x 8.5".

Cursive Letter Group Posters
Black and white posters promote correct cursive letter formations. Letter posters are 11" x 8.5".

ELL Strategies
Handwriting Without Tears (HWT) was developed to meet the needs of all learners, including ESL, ELL, and bilingual students. Our developmental strategies can be seamlessly integrated into any classroom setting, and our teacher's guides provide ample opportunities for multisensory teaching for all learners.

Spanish Letter Formation Charts - Print
Download our Spanish Letter Formation Charts for print capitals, print lowercase, and numbers.

Spanish Letter Formation Charts - Cursive
Download our Spanish Letter Formation Charts for cursive capitals, and cursive lowercase.

Spanish lyrics for Rock, Rap, Tap & Learn music album
Coordination and rhythm are used to develop self-esteem and body awareness in this upbeat and rocking CD. Features 25 songs, including: "Picking Up My Pencil," "Magic C Rap," and "Mat Man Rock."

Spanish Parent Welcome Letters
Download our Spanish Pre-K and Handwriting Welcome Letters to introduce families to Get Set for School and Handwriting Without Tears.

ELL Strategies
Handwriting Without Tears (HWT) was developed to meet the needs of all learners, including ESL, ELL, and bilingual students. Our developmental strategies can be seamlessly integrated into any classroom setting, and our teacher's guides provide ample opportunities for multisensory teaching for all learners.