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Keyboarding Without Tears® Getting Started Webinar

Webinar Objectives

The following webinar is designed to support educators in successful curriculum implementation.


Approximate Length:  38 minutes

Webinar Description:

The Getting Started with Keyboarding Without Tears webinar covers classroom implementation strategies for both the teacher’s dashboard, +Live Insights®, and the student application.


Important Links:

Webinar Handout

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Materials You Will Need:

A laptop or desktop to view this online webinar through the internet.

Webinar Objectives:

At the end of the webinar, you will be able to:

  • Recognize the developmental progression of keyboarding skills needed to stimulate fluency in typing
  • Review student lessons and discuss how to incorporate them into your instructional day and computer-based testing prep
  • Explore the educator dashboard to access resources
  • Identify how to use student progress reports to helps students meet grade-level benchmarks

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Now that you're all set with Keyboarding Without Tears, check out these helpful webinars about early learning and kindergarten.