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Teaching Tips

Chill Out with Our Top Three Cursive Activities for Winter Break

December 17, 2018

by: LWT staff

1 minute

Keeping kids cooped up during winter break can lead to cabin fever! Try these fun cursive activities with your students, so they can stay busy while practicing cursive! 

  1. Play the “Freeze Game.” Since it’s freezing outside, keep with that theme by playing the “Freeze Game” from our handwriting student editions. To play, have children close their eyes and circle their pencil in the air over the "Freeze Game" student edition page. When you say “freeze,” have them lower their pencil to the page and copy the word pair in cursive that is closest to their pencil. Do two to three pairs of work a day until the page is complete.
  2. Practice print to cursive. Write several winter-themed words, such as “snow,” “fireplace,” and “ice” on paper strips and place them in a special container. Have children draw five words from the container each day and write them in cursive on double line paper. Remember to not show them a model. The letters should be written from memory.
  3. Administer a silly spelling test. Use the same folded strips from the print to cursive activity and have your child draw five words without looking at them. Then, say a word and spell it out loud. Have children write the words in cursive on double line paper as you say the letters to teach cursive writing from letter memory without help from modeling.


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