Visit us this week at AASA, Booth #359, and explore how we’re strengthening the foundations of learning!

Check out all of our video how-to lessons!

We've assembled a collection of how-to videos for our most popular products just for you. Fill out the form to the right to access them all. Here are two sample videos from our Handwriting Without Tears video collection.

Handwriting in Today's Classrooms

Hear teachers and administrators talk about why handwriting still matters.

Tripod Grip with FLIP Crayons®

Diane teaches finger names and functions. This playful approach helps young children develop grasp.

Keyboarding Without Tears Videos

Select a video to learn more about our keyboarding instruction and how Keyboarding Without Tears can make a difference in your classroom with its proven, innovative approach. 

The First Step of Digital Learning

Find out why children need explicit keyboarding instruction in the classroom and how Keyboarding Without Tears is the perfect fit.

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Why Teach Keyboarding?

It may seem as though the digital natives in your classroom know their way around technology. However, in order to be successful with digital communication and online tests, they will need to type fluently, learn computer functions, format text, and discover how to interact in many online environments.

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