Visit us this week at Spring CUE, Booth #512, and explore how we’re strengthening the foundations of learning!

Free First Grade & Kindergarten Handwriting WorksheetsA+ Worksheet Maker provides extra practice on our familiar double lines to help kindergarten and first grade students write with speed and neatness.

A+ Worksheet Maker provides extra practice on our familiar double lines to help kindergarten and first grade students write with speed and neatness.

Supporting Kindergarteners and First Graders with Double Lines

Learning Without Tears’ A+ Worksheet Maker uses the same double lines and font as our handwriting student editions to promote legible writing. Students practicing correct letter formation need consistent lines to control their letter size, spacing, and placement.


In Kindergarten and First Grade, we recommend using our Wide Double Lines. First graders can be transitioned to Regular Double Lines as they are ready.


Providing Practice at Every Stage

To supplement our handwriting curriculum, teachers are encouraged to use activities from A Click Away, the Integrated Print and Digital Solution, and A+ Worksheet Maker to provide children with additional writing practice. This is the only worksheet maker that allows you to use the unique, easy Handwriting Without Tears font for letter formation success.


For handwriting success, use these three instructional stages to create additional worksheets appropriate for students.


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Stage 1: Direction Instruction
The child watches as the teacher writes then imitates. For example, create a worksheet using “My Turn, Your Turn.”


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Stage 2: Guided Practice
The child looks at the completed model of a letter, word, or sentence and copies it to match the model. Use guided practice as an opportunity to practice spelling words.


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Stage 3: Independent Practice
The child writes unassisted, without a demonstration or a model. For example, create a worksheet in which children produce sentences using given vocabulary words.


Writing Across the Curriculum with Kindergarten and First Grade Worksheets

Reinforce good handwriting habits in all subjects!


Reinforce good handwriting habits in all subjects!

My Turn, Your Turn


Use A+ Worksheet Maker with kindergarteners for continued name writing practice with “My Turn, Your Turn.”

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Sentence Practice

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Provide first graders with practice using ending punctuation with A+ Worksheet Maker. Write simple and familiar sentences for students to copy on double lines.

Try Out A+ Worksheet Maker lite today and make your own worksheets!