Visit us this week at AASA, Booth #359, and explore how we’re strengthening the foundations of learning!

Funding Sources

Funding is available through a variety of different grants and funding sources, which include federal and state funds, foundation or charitable funds, and more.

State Funds

State funds are available through each state’s department of education and are distributed to districts based on decided funding formulas.

State funding comprises the majority of educational funding within school districts. Funds are raised through income and sales tax and other means. Most state funds are distributed throughout the competitive grant process.




Federal Funds

Federal funds are available for you to apply toward Learning Without Tears products. Federal funds are available for schools with high poverty rates or specific, specialized needs.

Title I
Title I is the largest source of federal funding for education. It provides over $15 billion to schools and local educational agencies (LEAs) that serve high numbers of students from low-income families. With Title I, schools may operate a targeted program in which services are provided to children who are failing or at risk of failing. Title I funds can be used to help students meet academic standards by supplementing the existing program with additional teachers, intervention programs, supplemental materials, technology, professional development, and more.

Title II
Title II is used to increase academic achievement of students by improving teachers and school leadership quality. These funds directly support evidence backed professional development opportunities.

Title III
Title III offers provisional funds to ensure that English learners (Els) have access to instructional programs and tools to become become proficient speakers, listeners, readers and writers of the English language.

Title IV, Part B: 21st Century
Title IV, Part B: The 21st Century is a competitive grant program designed to create and support before and after school community learning centers that provide academic enrichment to students in low-income communities and low-performing schools.

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) provides funding for specially-designed instruction for students with disabilities and the monitoring of their progress. Funds are distributed based on individualized education plans of students.

ESSER funds provide your school district an opportunity to implement evidence-based, equity-driven strategies.

Among the allowable activities, ESSER funds can be used for:

  • Educational technology for students that aids in regular and substantive interactions with their classroom instructors
  • Activities to address the unique needs of low-income children or students, children with disabilities, English learners, racial and ethnic minorities, students experiencing homelessness, and foster care youth
  • Interventions that address learning loss by improving academic instruction


Striving Readers
Striving Readers is a comprehensive literacy grant that is focused on advancing literacy skills for students from birth to grade 12, including children living in poverty, English language learners, and children with disabilities. Grant competitions are held by local education agencies to award funds.

The 1003a School Improvement Funds enables state education agencies to set aside seven percent of their Title I funding to serve struggling schools.

Head Start
Head Start provides Pre-K programs for children living in poverty and focuses on developing early reading and math skills and comprehensive education, health and nutrition, and parent involvement. This program is distributed by the Department of Health and Human Services and grants are awarded through the competitive process.